What you want in your kitchen are foods that revolve around your Go To and Magical Foods.
Mother Nature has programmed each food to go with a complementary set of foods based on the ratio of protein, fat, carbs, minerals, water and fibre. This is the starting point.
Flavour Bases bring together regional indigenous foods. In short, foods that were available to the local community (or nation) in a pre-industrial age. Southern European dishes were typically cooked with olive oil, while northern European dishes were cooked with butter. Citrus and stone fruits were more prevalent in the south, while apples and pears dominated the north.
Given all the possible combinations for developing flavourful dishes, one of the reasons for creating a short list of Magical Foods was to make it easier and quicker to work out which of all the other Go-To Foods would go with them. For savoury dishes, you will likely need at least one (and ideally two), foods that align with your main ingredient. For sweet dishes, you might get away with the main ingredient only – using herbs, spices and potions for flavour.
There is no ‘bible’ of Flavour Families, but there are some great books and some excellent ideas for Food Families on the internet.